200 Things to Know About Postmodernism

This book serves as a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in learning about postmodernism. Rather than delving into complex philosophical theories and arguments, this glossary-type book breaks down key terms and concepts in plain language for easy comprehension.

From deconstruction and intertextuality to simulacra and hyperreality, each definition provides the reader with a clear understanding of the various aspects of postmodernism. This book also explores the intersection of postmodernism with art, literature, and popular culture, making it an ideal reference for students, academics, and thinkers interested in broadening their understanding of this influential intellectual movement.

Whether one is looking to gain a deeper appreciation for postmodern thought, explore its implications for contemporary society, or simply familiarize themselves with key vocabulary, "Things to Know About Postmodernism" is a valuable addition to any personal or academic library.