230 Things to Know When Interviewing for a Museum Curator Position

If you're an aspiring museum curator, this book is a must-have. It contains an extensive list of terms and their respective definitions to help you prepare for your interviews. From art conservation to museum management, this glossary-type book covers all the necessary topics you need to know and understand.

This book aims to bridge the gap between the academic jargon and the professional language used in the museum industry. It provides clarity on the terminology and concepts that are commonly used in museum curating. By mastering these terms, you will be able to confidently communicate your ideas and expertise to your potential employers and colleagues.

Whether you have years of experience in the field or you're just starting, this book will prove to be a valuable resource in your journey towards becoming a museum curator. Its extensive list of definitions and explanations will equip you with the necessary knowledge and understanding to excel in your interviews and beyond.