240 Things to Know When Starting or Investing in a Personal Training Service

Whether you're considering starting your own personal training service or looking to invest in one, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the terminology and concepts involved in the industry. This comprehensive glossary-style book provides you with an essential resource to navigate the world of personal training services. Dive into a wealth of knowledge that covers a wide range of terms and their definitions, helping you grasp the fundamentals of this dynamic and rewarding field.

From common terminologies like "reps," "sets," and "cardiovascular endurance," to more complex concepts such as "progressive overload," "periodization," and "body composition," this book ensures you have a firm grasp on the foundations of personal training. Each entry offers clear and concise explanations, empowering you to communicate effectively with trainers, clients, and fellow investors. Additionally, the book delves into industry-specific terms like "certifications," "insurance coverage," and "client assessment," providing invaluable insights into the business aspects of personal training services.

By equipping yourself with the knowledge contained within this comprehensive glossary, you can confidently navigate the personal training industry. Whether you're a novice venturing into the field or an experienced investor looking to expand your portfolio, this book serves as an indispensable tool to enhance your understanding and make informed decisions. Gain an edge in the world of personal training services by delving into the terminology and concepts that drive this thriving industry.