260 Things to Know About Electronic Health Record Systems

In today's technological age, electronic health record (EHR) systems have become an integral part of healthcare. With EHR systems, medical professionals can electronically store and manage patient health information securely. However, navigating through the complexities of EHR systems and understanding all the technical terminology can be a challenge.

This glossary-type book contains a compilation of terms and definitions surrounding electronic health records to help readers better comprehend the intricacies of EHR systems. The book aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the current terminology used in electronic medical records, including technical and medical terms. The definitions are presented in a clear, straightforward language that can be easily understood by healthcare professionals and everyday readers alike.

Whether you are a medical professional looking to gain a deeper understanding of the EHR systems or a patient who wants to understand the terminologies used by their healthcare provider, this book is a valuable resource for anyone who desires to learn more about electronic health record systems.