270 Things to Know About Distributed Ledger Technologies

For those looking to gain a deeper understanding of distributed ledger technologies, this book is a valuable resource. It provides definitions and explanations of key terms related to the complex world of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and other decentralized systems. Whether you are new to the topic or a seasoned professional, this glossary-style book is sure to enhance your knowledge and comprehension.

The book covers a range of terms, from the most basic to the most complex, all in an easily understood and straightforward manner. It aims to clarify the numerous jargons and buzzwords that can often intimidate beginners. By exploring these technical concepts in a simple language, the book helps readers to deepen their knowledge while maintaining a clear view of the fundamentals behind these technologies.

Overall, "Things to Know About Distributed Ledger Technologies" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a clear understanding of the modern financial systems. It serves as a valuable desk reference for bankers, policy-makers, technologists, and other professionals seeking to keep pace with the breaking trends in the field of finance and technology.