280 Things to Know About HR Compliance Regulations

For any organization, adhering to human resource compliance regulations is a must. Failure to comply with the necessary rules can result in significant legal issues for a company. This book is a comprehensive glossary-type resource that contains a plethora of HR compliance terms and their respective definitions.

The book is very well organized, making it easy for readers to understand different compliance terms. Apart from the definitions, the book also includes references to external sources for detailed information on certain topics and regulations. It is a valuable resource that can help organizations understand their legal responsibilities and stay compliant.

This book is a go-to reference for anyone who wants to gain in-depth knowledge about human resources compliance regulations. It is a must-have for HR professionals, business owners, and managers who want to ensure their organization is in line with the necessary regulations. The book provides a simple, yet comprehensive explanation of complex compliance terms, making it a valuable resource for anyone in need of clarity.