280 Things to Know About Microservices Architecture

This informative book is a must-have for anyone interested in or currently working with microservices architecture. It serves as a comprehensive glossary, providing definitions for the most common and complex terms associated with this type of architecture. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this book is sure to expand your knowledge and improve your understanding of microservices architecture.

Included within the pages are clear and concise explanations of key concepts such as event-driven architecture, containers, and API gateways. You'll find that the book is organized logically, with related terms grouped together for ease of reference. It's perfect for dipping in and out of when you need a quick refresher on a specific topic or when you're trying to understand a new term that has come up in conversation.

Overall, "Things to Know About Microservices Architecture" is an invaluable resource that is both informative and accessible. It's a book that you'll want to keep on your bookshelf and reference time and time again throughout your career as a developer.