290 Things to Know When Interviewing for an Accountant Position

If you're considering a career in accounting, or if you've been recently invited for an interview for an accountant position, you need to be familiar with the industry's terminology. This glossary-type book is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the terms and concepts commonly used in the field of accounting.

From "accounts payable" to "profit and loss statement", this book covers all the essential terms that you need to know in order to succeed in an accounting position. Whether you're just starting out or you're an experienced accountant, this book will help you communicate more effectively with your colleagues and superiors, as well as better understand the tasks and expectations associated with your role.

With its clear definitions and concise explanations, this book is an essential resource for anyone who wants to excel in an accounting position. It provides you with the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed in the industry and make a positive impression during an interview. If you're serious about pursuing a career in accounting, this book is a must-have.