300 Things to Know When Interviewing for a Customer Support Position

This book offers a comprehensive list of terms and their definitions that relate to the successful interviewing for a customer support position. The glossary-type format of this book will assist potential candidates in becoming familiar with the industry-specific jargon that they will encounter during the interview process.

Through this book, readers will gain a clear understanding of the relevant terminologies such as first call resolution, net promoter score, customer retention, escalation, and customer satisfaction levels, amongst others. These terms are explained in a straightforward manner that is easy to comprehend, enabling readers to confidently navigate the interview and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the field.

Whether you are a first-time applicant or already have experience in customer support, this book will provide a valuable resource to help you prepare for the interview process. The wide range of terms and definitions ensures that you will be well-equipped to handle any questions related to customer support and confidently show your potential employer that you are the best candidate for the job.