320 Things to Know About Proxy Voting

In today's corporate world, proxy voting has become an essential part of decision-making, where shareholders choose to vote on various matters, even if they cannot be present. Proxy voting is a powerful tool in the hands of shareholders that can affect the company's future, and it's important to understand the different terminologies associated with it. This book contains definitions of crucial terms related to proxy voting that every investor or corporate officer should know.

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the various types of proxy voting, such as straight voting, cumulative voting, and proxy fights. You'll also learn about concepts such as proxy statement, proxy solicitation, and proxy access. By the end of this book, you'll have a firm grasp of the unique language used in the proxy voting process, and you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions as a shareholder.

This glossary-type book is easy to navigate, with an alphabetical list of terms and simple explanations that are easy to comprehend. It's an essential read for anyone who wants to participate in the shareholder voting process or understand the terminology associated with it. So, if you want to learn more about proxy voting and expand your corporate vocabulary, this book is a must-have for you!